Wednesday, December 22, 1993

Mponjwane Adventure

I'm back after an all too short vacation to Lapa Lala which has absolutely no outside communications, not even mobile phones work there so I have been diligently working away on "Mponjwane Adventure" which has come along very nicely. I still need to check some of the finer details with Tim but on the whole it shouldn't change much if at all. Hope you enjoy it.

Most of the photographs are not my own but have been scanned in from the following publications:
Dragons Wrath - RO Pearse and James Byrom
Getaway Magazine - December 2006 edition, article by Robert Dalgleish
Dragons Wrath Revised Edition - RO Pearse and James Byrom
Barrier of Spears - RO Pearse
Serpent Spires - Duncan Souchon
I can't remember which photo's I scanned from which book but they're all there somewhere. The remaining photographs I took myself mostly while on the actual hike.

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